LOOPTROTTER MODULAR CONSOLE is a perfect solution for all studios, producers and engineers who already use 500 series modules in their creative environment. The console is fully customizable and compatible with almost every 500 series module currently available on the market.
The console has no built-in preamplifiers or equalisers. Instead, there are two 500-series slots in each channel in which any preamplifiers, equalisers or other devices can be installed. On each channel it is possible to achieve any sound you want, which can be modified at any time by simply swapping 500-series modules.
The Looptrotter Modular Console is the answer to the needs of many recording studios, where, in addition to the highest audio quality, personalization is important. This is made possible by the use of interchangeable 500-series modules, allowing for convenient customization of the console’s configuration to the needs of the studio, or even a specific recording or mix. Regardless of the installed modules, the console integrates a range of functions essential for recording, such as an advanced Talkback/Listen section and four Aux tracks, as well as for mixing, offering top-class analog summing of signals. Modules and external inserts can be easily True Bypassed. The outputs of individual channels and four additional stereo tracks can be sent to the stereo mix or to four groups. The mix and all groups include slots for 500-series modules with True Bypass and a detachable Insert. Each channel is equipped with two slots for 500-series modules, four Aux Send potentiometers, Mute and Solo buttons, and a To Tape potentiometer, which determines the level of the signal sent for recording and allows for convenient retracking using analog devices without leaving the console. Four additional stereo inputs, with the ability to route to the LR mix or to groups, expand the possibilities for summing or adding returns from hardware effects and MIDI instruments. The Monitor panel allows for switching the signal selected from three adjustable sources: the LR mix, the return from the DAW, and the external EXT connector to three speaker sets and a headphone output. All monitor outputs are equipped with their own volume controls, independent of the global Level potentiometer and the auxiliary Dim.
The features listed above, combined with the exceptional build quality of the Looptrotter console, will make your work in the studio more comfortable and enjoyable, undoubtedly adding positive energy to your productions and raising their quality to an even higher level.
- Two selectable work modes (sources) Record (MIC) and Mix (DAW)
- Direct to Tape/DAW output with adjustable level
- Mic/Line input (DB25)
- DAW input (DB25)
- Insert send (DB25)
- Insert return (DB25)
- Discrete OP-AMPS circuit
- 100% analog signal path
- Two 500s slots with true bypass
- 4 Auxes per channel, pre/post fader assignable
- Adjustable panning
- Mute track switch
- Solo track switch
- Every channel is assignable to 5 different summing buses, 1-4 stereo summing groups, Master or both
- Fully operational as an empty frame (no 500s modules installed)
- LED meter bridge included
- Alps faders included
4 Auxes, Pre/Post fader assignable
Solo Aux switch
LED meters for Solo level
5 stereo assignable summing groups, 1-4 stereo summing groups and master channel
Solo switch for each group
Mute switch for each group
Two 500s slots on Master Buss (L+R)
Master Buss 500s module bypass
Master Buss insert switch
Daw input adjustable level
External input adjustable level
Two 500s slots on each summing group (1-4), 8 in total
True bypass switch on each 500s module
Insert switch on each stereo group
Alps faders
Four summing group LED meters (Summing group meter bridge)
Two analog VU Meters for Master Output
Built in talkback microphone with adjustable gain
Listen mic input with adjustable level
Intuitive talkback with adjustable routing: SLS (Studio Loudspeaker), AUX
Three talkback modes, stable, moment and auto
- External Talkback microphone input with 48V phantom power and adjustable gain
Studio listen microphone input with 48V phantom power and adjustable gain
Talkback footswitch
Monitor section with A/B/C speaker select with adjustable trim for each speaker set
Selectable monitor source: External, DAW, L+R
Adjustable headphones listening level
Adjustable solo level
Adjustable dim level
Monitor mute switch
Monitor dim switch
Solo clear switch
Monitor A/B/C balanced output (XLR)
External stereo input (TRS)
Talkback footswitch (TRS)
Studio Loudspeaker output (XLR)
Studio listen input (XLR)
External talkback input (XLR)
- Stereo input (DB25)
Group output (DB25)
External output/AUX output (DB25)
Main output/insert/DAW input (DB25)
Insert input (DB25)
Insert return (DB25)
- Mic/Line input (DB25)
- DAW input (DB25)
- Tape output (DB25)
- Insert send (DB25)
- Insert return (DB25)